Maleic Anhydride

Maleic anhydride’s markets are mature. The largest application sector, unsaturated polyester resins (URP) is sensitive to economic conditions and will reflect GDP-type growth. Short term, URP prospects for it are good as the economy continues to show improvement.maleic anhydride products will take an important position in the international market and the production of maleic anhydride have a prospective future in the 21 st century as a booming industrial.

Maleic aicd anhydride food grade is our featured product, currently, its annual capacity can reach 100,000 tons, is one of the largest manufacturer of maleic anhydride in Asia.In additionally, our factory can also offer you maleic anhydride 99% , maleic anhydride 99.5%, maleic anhydride briquette and maleic anhydride flake according to your demand.


You can find the following pircture of cis-Butenedioic anhydride and different packages: